I want to share modules with my clients - how do I give them access?
Created by: Coaching Genie
Modified on: Sun, 24 Apr, 2022 at 5:21 PM
To share a module with your clients, you must first create a course and add the module to the course.
You then must create a group and assign the course to this group.
When you invite clients to join the group, they'll automatically have access to the modules you release.
You can also give clients access to the modules directly.
There are 3 ways to give your clients direct access to the modules.
1. Your clients can log in at https://app.coachinggenie.com/ and click on Modules under your program. There, they should find any available modules that have already been released.
2. Alternatively, you can give them a direct link to a specific module by clicking the “Copy Module” button on the top right inside a module. They’d have to be logged in first to access the module.
The second button "Copy Share Link" will create a link you can give to non-members of the group. Anyone can see your module using this link, so be careful about who you share it with.

3. You can also send a specific module to the whole group by going to Module Release and clicking "Send Email" next to the module you want to send out.

Coaching is the author of this solution article.
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