When your client creates a new journal entry, you will be notified via email. 

To receive journal notification emails, you need to make sure you're subscribed to receive them.

Here's how:

Step 1: Log in to your account.

Step 2: Under the main menu at the top right corner, click on "Notifications". 

Step 3: On the pop-up window, select your preferred notification setting.

Step 4: You will start receiving notification emails depending on the setting you selected. For example, if you selected "Every Post', you will receive an email every time a group member posts a journal. You can then easily open the journal entry by clicking the link in the email.

Step 5: You can then easily add your comment in the Comment section

Important Notes: 

1. You can post a new journal entry in your Client's journal. Your Client will get notified via email and will be able to reply to you in the comments.

2. There are no email notifications when a journal entry is edited. The best way to notify about an updated journal entry is to simply post a comment below it letting them know it was updated.

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